Friday 9 December 2011

Festivals and celebrations around the world

Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning EspañaAfter many time thinking of how to motivate you to study more English and improve your ICT skills, we have decided to be involved into a project together with a Polish school into the eTwinning programme. The students who are going to take part in it are volunteers from 2nd, 3rd and 4th ESO. 

The project, which is supposed to begin in a few days, is called Festivals and celebrations around the world, and its aim is learning about the festivities and holidays celebrated in Spain, Poland and other parts of the world; and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity.

Our twinned school is called Zespół Szkół nr 2 - Gimnazjum nr 3 im. Noblistów Polskich w Świdniku, and it is in Świdnik, a Polish city that you can situate at this map of Poland: